In the News: Salvos' 16-storey proposal at Miranda recommended for advancement

Photo and article credit: The Leader

The Salvation Army's proposed 16-storey development at Miranda has received general support from the local planning panel and council design advisers, and is recommended for advancement.

The Planning Proposal, which was quietly lodged with the council in January, would include a state-of-the-art centre providing welfare services on ground level and about 116 apartments above.

It is proposed to amend the existing development standards by increasing the allowable maximum building height from 25 metres to 60 metres and maximum floor space ratio (FSR) from 2:1 to 5.5:1.

The building would occupy the Salvos' site at 23 Kiora Road, 2-6 Willock Avenue.

A council staff report, which will be considered by councillors at meetings in July, said Miranda was identified as one of the two strategic centres within Sutherland Shire, under the Greater Sydney Region Plan.

"The Planning Proposal has potential to accommodate more housing options with good accessibility to public transport, amenities, and jobs," the report said.

"The proposed mixed-use development is compatible with strategic planning priorities, the surrounding context and local character.

"The proposed upgrade to public domain along Willock Avenue would improve overall amenity of the site."

The report said the Planning Proposal included a Public Benefit Offer including 5 per cent affordable housing (of additional residential floor space) for 15 years.

"Sutherland Shire Local Planning Panel is generally supportive of the Planning Proposal with some concerns related to the proposed reference design with respect to street setbacks, activation, compliance with Apartment Design Guide and potential wind tunnel effect," the report said.

"Sutherland Shire Design Review Panel is generally supportive of the Planning Proposal and recommended the preparation of draft Voluntary Planning Agreement, a site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) and a design excellence clause be applied to the site.

"The proposal demonstrates sufficient strategic merit and site specific merit to warrant referral to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) for Gateway Determination in its amended architectural reference scheme."


In the News: Plans to develop Salvation Army site at Miranda to provide welfare services and apartments


St George & Sutherland Shire Leader